

澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场 provides this Annual Security Report to comply with the Crime 1990年的意识和校园安全法案,也被称为克莱里法案. 这个报告 provides current and perspective students, faculty and staff with a comprehensive and transparent overview of the safety and security policies on our campuses and sites. 这个报告 is prepared annually in collaboration with the Chief Conduct Officer, Vice President of Student Services, Dean of Students, campus security, local law enforcement agencies and includes crime statistics from the three preceding calendar years for 每一个校园.

The Jeanne Clery披露 of 校园安全 Policy and Campus 犯罪统计数据 法案,大法官法案-要求

The Clery Act specifies that colleges and universities are obligated to disclose specific policies related to the act, to collect and retain records relative to report preparation and disseminate the information by a specific date to all students, employees and 任何个人应要求. 具体来说,学院必须:

  • 收集、分类和统计犯罪报告和统计数据;
  • Create, maintain and make available a daily crime log of the most recent 60 days of crimes reported to the 校园安全 office, which occur on; 每一个校园, in or on non-campus buildings or property, or on public property within the campus or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus as well as reports of crime that occurred 在校园保卫处的巡逻管辖范围内;
  • 收集和传播犯罪统计数据;
  • 提供一份澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场学校校园性别的政策声明 assault programs to prevent sex offenses, and procedures to follow when a sex offense occurs including:A description of the programs to promote awareness of rape, acquaintance 强奸,以及其他暴力和非暴力性犯罪.
    ~ Notification of the accuser and accused rights and what possible sanctions may be imposed following the final determination of an on-campus disciplinary procedure regarding 强奸、熟人强奸或其他性犯罪,暴力或非暴力
    ~ VAWA政策声明(2013年反妇女暴力再授权法案)
  • 发出校园警报;
  • Provide “timely warning” notice to students and employees regarding the occurrence of Clery Act crimes which may constitute an immediate threat to the community and 个人;
  • Issue an emergency notification upon notification or confirmation of a significant 紧急或危险情况;
  • 建立疏散程序;
  • Publish an annual security report by October 1st which contains the campus crime statistics for the past three calendar years and includes disclosures of specific campus policy 和过程语句.
  • Provide a written or electronic version of the report to current employees and students 10月1日前或提供报告所在的确切网站;
  • Submit 犯罪统计数据 each fall to the Department of Education, which include those crimes occurring within Clery Geography defined as; occur in or on college owned/leased buildings or property, on properties within the same reasonable contiguous geographic area, *within any housing units owned and operated by the college, within any non-campus building or property owned or controlled by the college, and on public property running 穿过校园或紧挨校园并可由校园前往;
  • Retain the annual security report and all supporting documentation for seven years 从他们所适用的报告的最新出版物开始.

The 澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场 Annual Security Report is written to comply with these mandates and to assist members of the college community in maintaining their personal safety. 报告和政策声明是为学院而写的,具有包容性 所有校园及非校园建筑物,除非另有规定. 报告包括 特立尼达校区、山谷校区、矿业科技大楼的犯罪统计数据. The TSC Rocky Mountain Line Tech program uses property on Pikes Peak Community College field. 落基山线技术项目的犯罪统计数据包含在 派克峰社区学院年度安全报告. 这个非校园地点包括在内 派克峰社区学院校园年度安全报告.

The Jeanne Clery披露 of 校园安全 Policy and Campus 犯罪统计数据 美国法典第20卷第1092 (f)条.作为1965年高等教育法的一部分 a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose certain timely and 澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场校园犯罪和安全政策的年度信息. 所有公共和私人 institutions of postsecondary education participating in federal student aid programs 都受其约束.

The Clery Act requires that institutions disclose four general categories of crimes:

  • 刑事犯罪
  • 仇恨犯罪
  • VAWA犯罪
  • 酒精、毒品和武器逮捕和移交纪律处分

Trinidad State owns and operates student housing and is required to have a Fire Safety 与校园住房相关的政策披露. TSC与当地火灾密切合作 departments having jurisdiction on our campuses and off site locations and maintains 校园范围内的火灾报警系统.

TSC is committed to the safety of our campus students and will work with closely with local, state and federal law enforcement if one of our students has been reported 对他们的思念. TSC维护一个失踪学生通知披露概述 在年度校园安全报告和TSC网站上.


The Clery Act requires 澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场 (TSC) to compile statistics on specific crimes that are committed “on campus, in or on non-campus buildings or property, and on public property” and which are reported to (1) 校园安全 personnel and (2) any “official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and 校园活动. 学院要求所有知道犯罪或 有人向他们报案,向校园保安报案吗. 学院也 requests crime information from those individuals who have been designated as “campus 安全部门.“学院真诚地努力获取信息 from the local police departments regarding on-campus, off -campus public property 以及非校园建筑犯罪,根据《澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场》必须报告. 一个请求 to the local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the campus or off campus 网站是通过邮件发送的,信息可以通过邮件或电子邮件收到.

A reported crime which is published in the statistics does not have to be reported to, or investigated by the police, nor must a finding of guilt or criminal responsibility 被要求将该罪行纳入统计. 努力的过程中 统计收集过程,以确保所报告的罪行不重复.

每年的犯罪统计数据都要提交给美国司法部.S. 教育部的要求 根据现行的联邦法规.

Statistics for all Clery Act crimes must be disclosed by the type of crime that was committed, the year the crime was reported and the geographic location where the crime occurred. 这些统计数据以及其他高等院校的统计数据 可以在美国能源部的网站上查看美国的教育.

The TSC 校园安全 and Fire Safety Report is available on request through the 学生服务办公室副主任兼首席操守官.